Understanding ESG Funds
Greetings, We hope you found our previous post on open-ended, fixed maturity funds, both useful and informative. If you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, we’ve put it here so you don’t miss out! While 2020 ushered in a global crisis on a scale that humanity had never seen before, 2021 continues to teach us hard lessons earned over decades of practicing unsustainable economics. Pollution, strip-mining, deforestation, over-fishing, and hunting animals to extinction are just a few examples of the effect our economies have on the environment. As the world tries to move forward from the mistakes of the past, one of the things we’re trying to focus on is sustainability, and not taking more from the environment than we can put back. This focus is being delivered right at the root of our financial ecosystem by changing the way responsible investors invest their money. Measuring sustainability Sustainability today is measured in terms of E, S, and G, which stands for environmental, social, ...